Life History traits
1. Evolved with the constraints imposed by mainly the Abiotic Factors of that habitat
2. An intense research area
3. Both 1 and 2
4. None of these
The biological community can have
1. An isolated population of plants which doesn't depend on animals and microbes
2. An isolated population of animals which doesn't depend on plants and microbes
3. An isolated population of microbes which doesn't depend on plants and animals
4. No isolated population is possible there.
By a particular interaction in a population, one species was harmed while other was benefited. Such interaction is called as
1. Competition
2. Predation
3. Parasitism
4. Both 2 and 3
The interacting species live closely together in which of the following interaction?
1. Parasitism, Predation and Commensalism
2. Commensalism, Amensalism
3. Mutualism and Competition
4. Parasitism, Mutualism, Commensalism
Predation can be thought as
1. Prey's way to control its the population
2. Nature's way of transferring energy to higher trophic levels.
3. Nature's way of controlling predators food chain
4. Predator's way of controlling prey's energy level
In a broad ecological context, which of the following can be a predator?
1. Seed eating sparrow
2. Lion
3. Tiger
4. Crow
Predators cannot perform
1. conduit for energy transfer
2. control prey species
3. make the ecosystem stable
4. Keep a check on diversity of species
The prickly pear cactus introduced in Australia in the 1920s got famous because of the lack of which population interaction?
1. Competition
2. Predation
3. Parasitism
4. Amensalism
The invasiveness of prickly pear cactus in Australia was controlled by introducing a predator from its natural habitat and this predator was
1. A ladybird
2. A moth
3. A wasp
4. A desert fly
If in a hypothetical case, you remove a predator from an ecosystem and as a result few prey species get extinct. What does it show
1. Interspecific competition
2. Intraspecific competition
3. Parasitism
4. Commensalism