During formation of which of the following free nuclear division occurs?
(1) Flower
(2) Endosperm
(3) Gametes
(4) Fruit
The mature seeds of plants such as gram and peas, posses no endosperm, because
1. These plants are not angiosperms
2. There is no double fertilization in them
3. Endosperm is not formed in them
4. Endosperm gets used up by the developing embryo during seed development
The coconut water from tender coconut represents
(1) fleshy mesocarp
(2) free-nuclear proembryo
(3) free-nuclear endosperm
(4) endocarp
In angiosperms, triple fusion is required for the formation of:-
1. Fruit wall
2. Seed coat
3. Embryo sac
4. Endosperm
Primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) is formed by the fusion of
1. 2 polar nuclei + 1 synergid cell nucleus
2. 1 polar nucleus + 1 antipodal cell nucleus + 1 synergid cell nucleus
3. 2 polar nuclei + 1 male gamete nucleus
4. 2 antipodal cell nuclei + 1 male gamete nucleus
The morphological nature of the edible part of coconut is
(1) perisperm
(2) cotyledon
(3) endosperm
(4) pericarp
Endosperm development precedes embryo development because
1. It is a product of triple fusiony
2. It provides nutrition to developing embryo
3. It is larger than embryo
4. Its development mostly occurs by free nuclear division in PEN
Which of the following is false?
I. Endosperm formation starts prior to first division of zygote
II. Angiospermic endosperm is mostly 3N while gymnospermic one is N.
III. The most common type of endosperm is nuclear.
IV. Coconut has both liquid nuclear (multinucleate) and cellular endosperm.
V. Milky water of green tender coconut is liquid female gametophyte.
(1) I and II only
(2) III only
(3) V only
(4) II only
In flowering plants, endosperm
1. Is pre-fertilizing tissue
2. Development rarely involves free nuclear divisions
3. Development precedes embryo development
4. Is triploid tissue always
Match the following and choose correct option
Group A Group B
A. Aleurone layer i. without fertilization
B. Parthenocarpic fruit ii. Nutrition fruit
C. Ovule iii. Double fertilization
D. Endosperm iv. Seed
1. A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv
2. A-ii, B-i, C-iv, D-iii
3. A-iv, B-ii, C-i, D-iii
4. A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii