The maximum growth rate occurs in:
1. Senescent phase
2. Lag phase
3. Exponential phase
4. Stationary phase
Cell elongation in internodal regions of the green plants takes place due to:
1. | Cytokinins | 2. | Gibberellins |
3. | Ethylene | 4. | Indole acetic acid |
If the apical bud has been removed then we observe:
1. More lateral branches
2. More axillary buds
3. Plant growth stops
4. Flowering stops
Which hormone is responsible for fruit ripening:
1. Ethylene
2. Auxin
3. Ethyl chloride
4. Cytokinin
Which of the following PGR is present in coconut milk which is used in tissue culture?
1. Cytokinin
2. Auxin
3. Gibberellin
4. Ethylene
Seed dormancy is due to:
1. Ethylene
2. Abscisic acid
3. IAA
4. Starch
Coconut milk factor is:
1. An auxin
2. A gibberellin
3. Abscisic acid
4. Cytokinin
Effect of light and dark rhythm on plants is known as:
1. Photonasty
2. Phototropism
3. Photoperiodism
4. Photomorphogenesis
What is necessary for ripening of fruits:
1. 80% of ethylene
2. Abscisic acid
3. 2, 4 D
4. A.M.O. – 16
The plant hormone used to destroy weeds in a field is:
1. 2, 4-D
2. IBA
3. IAA
4. NAA