Transpiration can cool the leaf surface up to
(1) 10 to 15 degrees
(2) Up to 70 degrees
(3) Up to 2 degrees
(4) Up to 50 degrees
Elements most readily mobilized are
1. P, S and Ca
2. N, K and P
3. N, P and Fe
4. S, Zn and P
C4 plants are …….as efficient as C3 plants in term of making sugar and lose only ….. of the water in comparison.
(1) Half, double
(2) Twice, half
(3) One fourth, one third
(4) Twice, one third
Most of the minerals are absorbed through active transport because
(1) Minerals are charged particles
(2) Minerals are insoluble in lipid bilayer
(3) The amount of mineral is less in soil
(4) All of these
The humidity of rainforests is largely due to
(1) Guttation
(2) Transpiration
(3) Photosynthesis
(4) Respiration
Which one of the following elements in plants is not remobilised?
1. Calcium
2. Potassium
3. Sulphur
4. Phosphorus
Which of the following is not a purpose of Transpiration?
(1) Absorption of minerals and water from the soil and transport in the plants
(2) Supplies water for photosynthesis
(3) Evaporative heating
(4) Maintains the shape and structure of the plants by keeping cells turgid
Which one of the following is correctly matched?
1. Passive transport of nutrients-ATP
2. Apoplast- Plasmodesmata
3. Potassium- Readily mobilized
4. Bakanae of rice seedlings-F Skoog
What are the control points where a plant adjusts the quantity and types of solutes that reach the xylem?
1. Suberin deposited casparian strips
2. Transport proteins of endodermal cell
3. Sclerenchyma around the pericycle
4. The root hairs themselves
Which of the following is incorrect statement?
(1) An analysis of xylem exudate suggests that some of the nitrogen travels as inorganic ions and much of it is carried in the organic form as amino acids
(2) Small amount of P and S is also carried as inorganic compounds in xylem exudate
(3) There is exchange of material between xylem and phloem
(4) Xylem transports inorganic nutrients while phloem transports organic materials, this observation was proved wrong by the analysis of xylem exudate