Main factor deciding rate of diffusion is :-
1. Pressure/concentration gradient
2. Solubility of gases
3. Thickness of diffusion membrane
4. Posture of body
The process responsible for facilitating loss of water in liquid form from the tip of grass blades at night and early morning is:
1. Root pressure
2. Imbibition
3. Plasmolysis
4. Transpiration
ln above diagram A is having :-
(1) Hypotonic solution
(2) Hypertonic solution
(3) Low w
(4) Both B & C correct
Movement of water and mineral in cell wall & intercellular space is called as:-
1. Symport
2. Antiport
3. Symplast
4. Apoplast
Which is not correct with transporting the food through phloem?
1. Loading is a passive process
2. Translocation is due to hydrostatic force
3. Food translocation is bidirectional
4. Translocation always occur from source to sink
Which protein is responsible for active transport:-
1. Pump
2. Channel
3. Symport
4. Uniport
Which one of the following is incorrect regarding faciliated diffusion :-
(1) Selective nature
(2) Dependent on energy
(3) Transport Saturation
(4) Requirement of protein
Select the correct statement:-
1. Pure water has minimum
2. Pure water has maximum
3. Pure water has maximum DPD
4. Pure water has variable DPD
Identify the incorrect match
Property | Simple Diffusion |
Facilitated Transport |
Active Transport |
a. Requires special membrane proteins | No | Yes | Yes |
b. Highly selective | No | Yes | Yes |
c. Transport saturates | No | No | Yes |
d. Uphill transport | No | Yes | Yes |
e. Requires ATP energy | No | No | Yes |
1. c & d
2. a, c, & d
3. c, d & e
4. b, c & d
How many are associated with apoplastic movement of water?
1. Through cell wall
2. Through intercellular space
3. Through plasmodesmata
d. Through xylem
1. a, b, & d
2. b, c & d
3. a, c & d
4. a, b & c