How many of the following kingdoms are eukaryotic
(monera, protista, fungi, plante, Animalia)
Select the incorrect match
1. Palade particle – Ribosome
2. Flagella – Cell movement
3. Centriole – Found in higher plants
4. Lysosome – Acid hydrolase
Eukaryotic cells considered as more efficient than prokaryotic cells, due to -
1. compartmentalisation of cytoplasm
2. Infolding of membrane
3. Presence of cell wall
4. Aerobic respiration
Which one of these is not a eukaryote?
1. Euglena
2. Anabaena
3. Spirogyra
4. Agaricus
Select the wrong statement about eukaryotic cells.
1. They have well defined nucleus
2. Possess 70S ribosomes
3. May have a cell wall
4. No organelles are single membrane bound