1. | Monocot root | 2. | Dicot root |
3. | Dicot stem | 4. | Monocot stem |
1. | Epiblema | 2. | Cortex |
3. | Endodermis | 4. | Pericycle |
In the dicot root, the vascular cambium originates from:
1. | Tissue located below the phloem bundles and a portion of pericycle tissue above protoxylem |
2. | Cortical region |
3. | Parenchyma between endodermis and pericycle |
4. | Intrafascicular and interfascicular tissue in a ring |
Cortex is the region found between?
1. epidermis and stele
2. pericycle and endodermis
3. endodermis and pith
4. endodermis and vascular bundle
Anatomically, fairly old dicotyledonous root is distinguished from the dicotyledonous stem by:
1. absence of secondary xylem
2. absence of secondary phloem
3. presence of cortex
4. position of protoxylem