Cymose inflorescence is identified by:
1. Basipetal arrangement of flowers on the main axis (peduncle)
2. The limited growth of the main axis as main axis terminates in a flower
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. Presence of sessile flower
In racemose type of branching:
1. Branches continue to grow indefinitely and give off further branches laterally in a basipetal order
2. Branches continue to grow indefinitely and give off further branches laterally in an acropetal order
3. Branches stop growing after some time and give off further branches laterally in a basipetal order
4. Branches stop growing after some time and give off further branches laterally in an acropetal order
Select incorrect statement with respect to racemose inflorescence
1. The main axis continues to grow
2. Peduncle bears flowers in basipetal/centrifugal manner
3. The main axis is not terminated into flower
4. It is an indeterminate inflorescence
Cymose inflorescence is dissimilar to racemose inflorescence in
1. Having limited growth of the main inflorenscence axis.
2. Having young flowers at top.
3. Showing centriperal manner of opening of flowers.
4. Having acropetal arrangement of flowers.
Cymose inflorescence is present in
(1) Solanum
(2) Sesbania
(3) Trifolium
(4) Brassica
In an inflorescence where flowers are borne laterally in acropetal succession, the position of the youngest floral bud shall be
1. proximal
2. distal
3. intercalary
4. anywhere