Which of the features given below are correct for coconut fruit?
a. Developed from monocarpellary ovary
b. Fibrous mesocarp
c. Formed from inferior ovary
d. Hard stony endocarp
e. Edible mesocarp
1. a, c & d
2. c, d & e
3. b, c & d
4. a, b & d
In which of the given plant's placenta develops at the base of the ovary and a single ovule is attached to it?
1. Tomato, Lemon
2. Mustard, Argemone
3. Dianthus, Primrose
4. Sunflower, Marigold
Androecium of Citrus and Bombax plants is
1. Synandrous
2. Monadelphous
3. Polyadelphous
4. Diadelphous
Developing on position of calyx, corolla and androecium with respect to the ovary on thalamus the flowers are divided into how any categories?
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Five
Select a correct match
1. Staminode - Solanaceae
2. Actinomorphic flower - Cassia, Bean, Gulmohur
3. Zygomorphic flower - Chilli, Tomato
4. Inferior ovary - Cucumber, Guava
Choose the correct identification for given below plants respectively
1. Whorled phyllotaxy, Palmately compound leaf
2. Pinnately compound leaf, Whorled phyllotaxy
3. Palmately compound leaf, Whorled phyllotaxy
4. Alternate phyllotaxy, Palmately compound leaf
Bud is present in axil of petiole in
1. Compound leaf and leaflet
2. Simple and compound leaf
3. Simple leaf and leaflet
4. Leaflet, simple and compound leaf
Thorn is
1. Modification leaf
2. Axillary bud modified
3. Climbing structure
4. Always non-woody
Select the odd one out with respect to veins
1. Provide rigidity to the leaf blade
2. Act as channels of transport for water and minerals
3. Veins are filled with parenchyma
4. Middle prominent vein is mid-rib
Pneumatophores are a modification of
1. Prop root for exchange of gases
2. Taproot for retention of moisture
3. Adventitious root for breathing
4. Taproot for respiration