If gynoecium is situated in the centre and other floral parts are located on the rim of the thalamus almost at the same level, then the flower is said to be
1. Perigynous
2. Epigynous
3. Hypogynous
4. Protogynous
Floral formula of Solanum nigrum represents
1. Epitepalous condition
2. Epipetalous androecium
3. Polyserpalous calyx
4. Tricarpellary gynoecium
Which of the given figures represents the aestivation of corolla in Gulmohur and Cassia?
The cells proximal to the merismatic zone in root tip represents
1. Zone of cell elongation
2. Zone of deacceleration
3. Zone of differentiation
4. Zone of maturation
Scar present on seed coat through which the developing seeds were attached to fruit is called
1. Micropyle
2. Hilum
3. Funicle
4. Stalk
Which of the features given below are correct for coconut fruit?
a. Developed from monocarpellary ovary
b. Fibrous mesocarp
c. Formed from inferior ovary
d. Hard stony endocarp
e. Edible mesocarp
1. a, c & d
2. c, d & e
3. b, c & d
4. a, b & d
In which of the given plant's placenta develops at the base of the ovary and a single ovule is attached to it?
1. Tomato, Lemon
2. Mustard, Argemone
3. Dianthus, Primrose
4. Sunflower, Marigold
Androecium of Citrus and Bombax plants is
1. Synandrous
2. Monadelphous
3. Polyadelphous
4. Diadelphous
Developing on position of calyx, corolla and androecium with respect to the ovary on thalamus the flowers are divided into how any categories?
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Five
Select a correct match
1. Staminode - Solanaceae
2. Actinomorphic flower - Cassia, Bean, Gulmohur
3. Zygomorphic flower - Chilli, Tomato
4. Inferior ovary - Cucumber, Guava