The processes which are not basic to taxonomy include?
1. Characterization
2. Identification
3. Observation
4. Nomenclature
The earliest classifications were based on the ____ of various organisms.
a. Morphology
b. Anatomy
c. Uses
d. Habitat
What is not true with respect to Systematics
a. Systematic arrangement of organisms
b. Derived from latin word systema
c. The study of relationships among different organisms
d. Does not account any kind of evolutionary relationships.
Systema Naturae is
a. Publication of Linnaeus
b. Institute for classification studies
c. Method to classify organisms
d. Evolutionary relationship studies
Step of classification does not represent-
a. Rank
b. Taxon
c. Space
d. Unit of classification
Taxonomic categories together makes-
a. Criteria for Nomenclature
b. Taxonomic Hierarchy
c. Taxonomic domain
d. Criteria for Identification
Kingdom- Phylum- Class- Order-Family-Genus-Species
a. Categories of plants
b. Categories of animals
c. Both a and b
d. Categories of bacteria
What is the basic requirement to place organism in various categories?
a. Knowledge of characters of an individual or group of organisms
b. Knowledge of all identified species
c. Comparative analysis of all known species
d. All of above
What does not hold true with Species?
a. Group of individual organisms
b. Having Fundamental similarities
c. Having morphological differences
d. Each Genus has only one specific epithet
Which of the following is matched incorrectly:
a. Mangifera: indica
b. Panthera: tuberosum
c. Solanum: melongena
d. Solanum: nigrum