During an injury, nasal septum gets damaged. For its restoration, which cartilage is preferred?
1. Hyaline cartilage
2. Elastic cartilage
3. Calcified cartilage
4. Fibro cartilage

Subtopic:  Connective Tissue |
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In the given diagram of ultrastructure of a compact bone, identify A, B, C and D:

1. Osteon, Lamellae, Haversian canal, Volkmann’s canal respectively
2. Lamellae, Osteon, Haversian canal, Volkmann’s canal respectively
3. Lamellae, Osteon, Volkmann’s canal, Haversian canal respectively
4. Osteon, Lamellae, Volkmann’s canal, Haversian canal respectively

Subtopic:  Connective Tissue |

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The cartilage shown in the given diagram is found in all the following locations except:

1. Articular cartilage
2. Larynx
3. Epiglottis
4. Ribs

Subtopic:  Connective Tissue |

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Histology of a tissue shows the following type of connective tissue:


This tissue is most likely to be found in:
1. Skin
2. Cartilage
3. Bone
4. Tendon

Subtopic:  Connective Tissue |
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