Match items in column-I with those in column-II and choose the correct option.
Column-I Column-II
A. Cyclostomata (i) Mouth without jaws
B. Chondrichthyes (ii) Exclusively oviparous
C. Aves (iii) Gills without operculum
D. Mammalia (iv) Unique in possessing hair
     A   B    C      D
1. (i)  (ii)  (iii)    (iv)
2. (ii) (iii)  (iv)    (i)
3. (i)  (iii)   (ii)    (iv)
4. (ii)  (i)   (iv)    (iii)

Subtopic:  Phylum Chordata | Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes | Study of Aves & Mammals |
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Please attempt this question first.

Match items in column-I with those in column-II and choose the correct option.
Column-I Column-II
a. Annelids  (i) Triploblastic acoelomate
b. Platyhelminths      (ii) Ciliated comb plates
c.   Aschelminths (iii) Metamerism
d. Ctenophores          (iv) Pseudocoelomates

1. a(i), b(ii), c(iv), d(iii)
2. a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)
3. a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
4. a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i)
Subtopic:  Phylum Ctenophora & Platyhelminthes | Phylum Aschelminthes | Phylum Annelida |
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Please attempt this question first.

Read the following statements A and B and choose the correct answer.
Statement A: The most unique mammalian characteristic is the presence of milk-producing mammary glands.
Statement B: Mammals have one pair of limbs, adapted for walking, running, climbing, burrowing
swimming, or flying.
1. Both statements A and B are correct.
2. Only statement A is incorrect.
3. Both statements A and B are incorrect.
4. Only statement B is incorrect.
Subtopic:  Study of Aves & Mammals |
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Please attempt this question first.


Read the following statements (A) and (B) with respect to bony fishes and choose the correct answer from the following given options.
Statement (A): Osteichthyes includes both marine and freshwater fishes with a bony endoskeleton.
Statement (B): Their body is streamlined and their mouth is ventral in position.
1. Both statements (A) and (B) are correct.
2. Only statement (A) is incorrect.
3. Both statements (A) and (B) are incorrect.
4. Only statement (B) is incorrect.
Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |
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Please attempt this question first.

Read the following statements carefully with respect to taxon vertebrata.
a. Phylum vertebrata is divided into two superclasses - Pisces and Tetrapoda.
b. Superclass Pisces includes cyclostomes, cartilaginous and bony fishes.
c. In bony fishes, air bladder is present which regulates buoyancy.
d. Body of all amphibians is divisible into head neck and trunk.
e. Both fishes and amphibians are poikilothermous animals.
Choose the option with only incorrect statements.
1. a, b, c, d 2. a, b, c, d, e
3. a, b, d 4. c, d, e
Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |
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Please attempt this question first.

Match column-I with column-II and choose the correct option.
Column I Column II
a. Asterias  (i) Notochord in larval tail
b. Balanoglossus  (ii) Spiny body
c. Ascidia  (iii) Cloaca present
d. Hyla  (iv) Worm-like marine animal

    a     b    c     d
1. (i)   (ii)  (iii)  (iv)
2. (iv)  (ii)  (iii)  (i)
3. (ii)   (iii)  (iv) (i)
4. (ii)   (iv)  (i)   (iii)
Subtopic:  Phylum Echinodermata | Phylum Hemichordata | Phylum Chordata | Study of Amphibians |
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Please attempt this question first.


Match column -I with column-II and choose the correct option:
Column-I Column-II
a. Three-chambered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle (i) Myxine
b. Jawless vertebrate with a cartilaginous vertebral column  (ii) Chaetopleura 
c. Soft, unsegmented body and has a structure that helps in both respiration and excretion  (iii)  Calotes
d. Ventral mouth, gills without operculum, and skin with placoid scales (iv) Scoliodon 

1. a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
2. a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
3. a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
4. a(iii), b(i), c(ii), d(iv)
Subtopic:  Phylum Mollusca | Phylum Chordata | Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes | Study of Reptilia |
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Please attempt this question first.

How many statements are correct with respect to most of the sponges? 
(a) The cells are arranged as loose cell aggregates and exhibit cellular level of organisation 
(b) The body cells in sponges exhibit some division of labour 
(c) Any plane that passes through the central axis of the body divides sponges into two equal halves 
(d) Sponges have a water transport or canal system 
Select the correct option 
1. One  2. Two 
3. Three  4. Four 
Subtopic:  Phylum Porifera |
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Please attempt this question first.

Read the following statements (a to d) and choose the option which states them as True (T) or False (F) correctly 
(a) All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates
(b) All vertebrates have paired appendages which may be fins or limbs 
(c) All vertebrates bear jaw 
(d) All aquatic  animals which bear fins are placed in superclass Pisces
a b c d
1. T F F F
2. T T F F
3. T F F T
4. T F T T
Subtopic:  Phylum Chordata |
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Please attempt this question first.


Assertion (A):   Platyhelminthes are commonly known as flatworms 
Reason (R): They have a dorso-ventrally flattened body 
In the light of above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below 
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation for (A) 
2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation for (A) 
3. (A) is true, (R) is false 
4. (R) is true (A)is false 
Subtopic:  Phylum Ctenophora & Platyhelminthes |
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Please attempt this question first.