Which of the following is an example of oogamous reproduction?
1. Spirogyra
2. Ulothrix
3. Eudorina
4. Volvox
Which of the following is an example of isogamous reproduction?
(1) Ulothrix
(2) Eudorina
(3) Volvox
(4) Fucus
Which of the following is an example of oogamous reproduction?
(1) Ulothrix
(2) Eudorina
(3) Spirogyra
(4) Fucus
Algae are useful
(1) Because at least half of the total carbon dioxide fixation on Earth is carried out by algae through photosynthesis.
(2) Algae being photosynthetic can increase the level of dissolved oxygen in their immediate environment
(3) They are primary producers of energy rich compounds and form the basis of the food cycles of all aquatic animals
(4) All of the above
Hydrocolloid is
(1) Water soluble substance
(2) Water holding substance
(3) Hydrogen gas containing substance
(4) Oxygen gas containing substance
(1) Water holding substance
(2) Obtained from brown algae
(3) Non sulfated water holding substance
(4) All of these
(1) Water holding substance
(2) Obtained from red algae
(3) Sulfated water holding substance
(4) All of these
Agar is not obtained from
(1) Gelidium
(2) Gracilaria
(3) Volvox
(4) All of these
Agar is not used in
(1) To grow microbes
(2) To prepare ice-creams
(3) To prepare jellies
(4) To supplement protein for space travellers
Chlorella is not
(1) An unicellular alga
(2) Rich in proteins
(3) Used as food supplement even by space travellers
(4) Used to grow microbes