Why are some substances biodegradable and and some non-biodegradable?
Give any two ways in which biodegradable substances would affect the environment.
Give any two ways in which non-biodegradable substances would affect the environment.
What are tropic levels? Give an example of a food chain and state the different tropic level in it.
What is the role of decomposers in the ecosystem?
What is ozone and how does it affect any ecosystem?
What will happen if we kill all the organisms in one trophic level?
1. Will the impact of removing all the organisms in a trophic level be different for different trophic levels?
2. Can the organisms of any trophic level be removed without causing any damage to the eco system?
What is biological magnification ? will the levels of this magnification be different at different levels of the ecosystem?
If all the waste we generate is biodegradable, will this have no imoact on the environment?
Why is damage to the ozone layer a cause fo concern? What steps are being taken to limit this damage?
Now a days, our government is stressing upon the use of jute or paper bags instead of plastic bag. What purpose is supposed to be acheived by the government?
Which of the following materials are non-biodegradable in each of the following?
1. Paper, leather, nylon, egg shell, glass
2. Tea leaves, ,glass, glucose, cotton cloth, silver foil
3. Glass, ,glucose, leather, silver foil, nylon cloth
State one diffrence between autotrophs and heterotrophs.
Write the appropriates names of the trophic levels z and x in the figure given below:
Draw a food cahin most likely to be a part of a forest ecosystem.
Rearrange the following according to their ascending trophic levels in a food chain. Hawk, grass, snake, frog, grasshopper.
Rearrange the following according to their trophic levels in a food chain.
Fish, zooplankton, seal, phytoplankton.
Which of the following belongs to the first trophic level?
grasshopper, rose plant, cockroach, vulture, neem plant.
Which one of the following is always at the third trophic level in a food chain?
Carnivores, herbivores, producers, decomposers.
In a food chain comprising lion, grass and deer, which will
1. transfer the maximum amount of energy.
2. receive the minimum amount of energy.
Among all four types of animals, i.e. carnivores, decomposers, herbivores and producers, how does energy flow in an ecosystem, occur through these organisms.
In the following food chain, 20 J of energy was available to the hawks. How much would have been present in the plants?
Plants rats snakes hawks
If a harmful chemical enetrs in food chain comprising snakes, peacock, mice and plants, which of these organisms is likely to have the maximum concentration of this chemical in its body?
Mention the amount of solar energy captured by the green plants out of the total energy that reaches on the earth from the sun and mentioned the percentage of energy, which is transferred from one trophic level to next higher one.
"The level of energy reaching one to next higher trophic level decreases". Suggest a reason for this occurence.
If the ozone layer disappears completely, what will be the consequences?
Name the group of chemical compounds which adversely affects the ozone layer.
Among the substance given below, select the ones which have posed a threat to the environment.
Aerosol, consumers, bacteria, CFCs
Why did Unites Nations act to control the production of CFCs used in refrigerators?
To keep the environment clean, garbage disposal programme is an essential prerequisite. What method constitute the garbage disposal programme?
List two methods of safe disposal of the non-biodegradable waste.
List two items which can be easily recycled, but we generally throw them in the dustbins.
A lake has been polluted by sewage. On comparison with the sample of unpolluted water the water in the lake is found to have increased contents of some components. Identify these components.
Why should biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes be discarded in two seperate dustbins?
Write one negative effect, of affluent life style of few persons of a society on the environment.
What si meant by non-biodegradable waste? Identify biodegradable waste from the following.
Empty packet of chips, empty plastic bottle of mineral water, empty paper box of sweets, empty tin of cold drink.
Write the harmful effect of using plastic bags, on the environment. Suggest alternatives to plastic bags.
List two reasons to show that the existence of decomposers is essential in an ecosystem.
What would happen, if all the microorganisms are removed from the environment?
Microorganisms are often reffered to as the 'scavengers of the environment'. Explain.
In an ecosystem, how the biotic and abiotic components are dependent on each other?
Write the food chain operating in a freshwater pond. Mention the food habit of each trophic level in this food chain.
Give an example of a food chain consisting of four organisms at different trophic levels. Give the scientific terms used to indicate the first and third trophic level.
We already know that a food chain contains different organisms at different trophic level in a typical ecosystem.
In the diagram (of energy flow in an ecosystem) given below identify the secondary consumers and explain your choice.
Which of the following belong to the first trophic level?
1. Grasshopper, mango tree, hawk, snake
2. Sunflower plant, grasshopper, cockroach, banyan tree.
Which of the following belong to the second trophic level?
1. frog, butterfly, spider, rice weevil
2. parrot, frog, butterfly, spider
State the 10% law of energy transfer.
In the given figure, the various trophic levels are shown in a pyramid. At which trophic level is maximum energy available?
Mention the form of energy transfer, if a grasshopper is eaten by a frog.
A good web is given below, observe the figure and answer the questions given below:
1. Identify the primary consumer in the food web.
2. If all the foxes are killed due to a disease, what will your observations about food web be?
Give two differences between food chain and food web.
Explain an agriculture practice that has a harmful effect on ecosystem.
Give some methods that could be applied to reduce our intake of pesticides.
Give some examples along with reasons of insecticides that are banned due to their fatal effects.
Describe how ozone present in the atmosphere is important for sustaining life on earth.
Mention the harmful effects of UV radiations. Name the gas which protects us from it.
Which chemical is used in fire extinguishers? How is it harmful?
Why is improper disposal of waste a curse to environment.
Carnivores cannot be self dependent and have to depend on herbivores. Explain
Mention the ecologically amplified elements that lead to the decline in population of predator birds.
We often observe domestic waste decomposing in the bylanes of residential colonies. Suggest ways to make people realise that the improper disposal of waste is harmful to the environment.
Insecticides are used in crop fields to kill any current or recurring infections. In a crop field an insecticide is sprayed to kill the caterpillars. A food web involving caterpillar is given below.
Identify the organism from the food web which will have the highest level of insecticides accumulated in it after some time.
News paper reports about the alarming increase in pesticides level in packed food items have appeared. As a result some of the states have banned these food items.
1. What are the sources of pesticides in the food items?
2. Name the biological phenomenon associated with accumulation of pesticides in the food chain.
What are the advantages of cloth bags over plastic bags during shopping?
Why is government of India imposing a ban on the use of polythene bags? Suggest two alternatives to these bags and explain how this ban is likely to improve the environment.
Why are crop fields known as artificial ecosystem?
We do not clean ponds or lakes, but an aquarium needs to be cleaned, why?
Write the common food chain of a pond ecosystem.
State 10% law. Explain with an example how energy flows through different trophic levels.
Indicate the flow of energy in an ecosystem.Why is it unidirectional?
With the help of an example, involving four organisms, describe how energy flows through different trophic levels.
'Vegetarian food habits can sustain a larger number of people'. Justify the statement in terms of food chain.
Give reason to justify the following
1. The existence of decomposers is essential in a biosphere.
2. Flow of energy in a food chain is unidirectional.
Correct the explanation given for the terms if wrong.
1. Biomagnification - Decrease of chemical at the successive trophic levels of a food chain.
2. Ecosystem- Biotic components of environment.
3. Aquarium- Natural ecosystem.
Select the mis matched pair in the following and correct it.
1. Biomagnification Accumulation of chemicals at the successive trophic levels of a food chain.
2. Ecosystem Biotic components of environment.
3. Aquarium A man-made ecosystem.
4. Parasites Oganisms which obtain from other living organisms.
A modern insecticides has been introduced with certain new properties like, accumulation in the bodies of predators, broken down by soil bacteria, easily washed into lakes and rivers and taken up by plant roots. Among all these properties which one will help in reducing or keeping the level of environment pollution to lowest.
Explain how pesticides get accumulated in the environment.
Our food grains, ,such as wheat and rice, the vegetables and fruits and even meat are found to contain varying amounts of pesticides residue. State the reason to explain how and why it happens.
Number of vultures is decreasing remarkably in recent years which has become a matter of concern.
1. Vultures belong to which category of animal?
2. What is their role in nature regarding the maintenance of ecological balance?
3. Give the position the vultures occupy in a food chain.
Name the radiations absorbed by ozone layer. Give any one cause of the depletion of the ozone layer. Name a disease likely to be caused due to depletion.
1. What harm is caused to skin by ultraviolet rays?
2. At which level, pesticides enter the food chain?
3. How are most of the solid wastes in urban areas disposed of?
What is garbage? What does garbage consists of? What is disposal of waste?
How would you dispose the following waste
1. Domestic wastes like vegetables peel?
2. Industrial wastes like metallic cans?
3. Plastic material?
Draw a sequence of suitable methods of disposal of waste produced at your home to minimize environmental pollution?
It is the responsibilty of the government to arrange for the management and disposal of waste. As an individual you have no role to play. Do you agree? Support your answers with two reasons.
What are decomposers what will be the consequence of their absence in an ecosystem?
1. How do food chains get shortened? How does the shortening of food chain affect the biosphere?
2. How will you justify that vegetarian food habits give us more calories?
1. Energy flow in a food chain is unidirectional. Justify this statement.
2. Explain how the pesticides enter a food chain and subsequently get into our body.
Explain some harmful effects of agricultural practices on the environment.
Suggest suitable mechanism (s) for waste management in fertilisers industries.
What are byproducts of fertiliser industries? How do they affect the environment?
Write in detail about garbage management.
Suggest any five activities in daily life, which are eco-friendly.
One day Mohan found his neighbours burning plastic wastes in open space near to his house. He explained three method to save the environment from plastic waste to them. Imagine yourself in the place of Mohan and suggest the methods that Mohan might have told to his neighbours. What value was exhibited by Mohan in this situation?
Naman got into a quarrel with some farmers who were spraying DDT in their fields. Many people gathered at the spot to see and enjoy the incident. The angry mob demanded that Naman should not interfere in the farmers' job. Naman tried to explain his point and finally succeeded,the farmers gave up spraying DDT.
The activities of a man had adverse effects on all forms of living organisms in the biosohere. Unlimited exploitation of nature by man disturbed the delicate ecological balance between the living and non-living componenets of the biosphere. The unfavourable conditions created by man himself threatend the survival not only of himself but also of the entire living organisms on the mother earth. One of your classmates is an active member of 'Eco Club' of your school, which is creating environmental awareness amongst the school students, spreading the same in the society and also working hard for preventing environmental degradation of the surroundings.
1. Why is it necessary to conserve our environment?
2. State the importance of green and blue dustbins in the safe disposal of the household waste?
3. List two values exhibited by your classmates who is an active member of Eco-club of your school.
World environment day is celebrated on June to raise global awareness to protect nature and the planet Earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
The 'Paper of India' uses recycled paper to commemorate this day.
1. How does the use of recycled paper help in protecting the environment?
2. Mention any two values portrayed by the 'Paper of India' group?